Green Wings & a Pacifier - Halloween 2006

Nearing the end of almost two years of orthodotic work and several thousand dollars invested in the beautification of Melia's teeth, Duane's reaction to the pacifier Kali was sporting as part of her 'baby' costume was, "I'm not spending another $X dollars on braces!"
Given the crisp autumn air on Halloween night, Kali's choice of costume was a wise one. Melia, in all of her lime green glory, was quite cold.... but definitely the coolest girl in the neighborhood with her bone straight black wig!
At one point Duane and the girls were part of a mass of more than a dozen kids making their way from house to house in our new neighborhood.
The cute little carved pumpkin is 100% Kali's work. She carved two pumpkins this year all on her own.
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