Roberts Family Adventures

The chronicles of the Roberts family since moving to Elk Grove, CA in July 2006.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Duane Makes an Appearance

This is my first appearance on the family site. I've basically been hiding in the house trying to beat the heat. It was pretty warm today 105, or something like that, and I didn't want to add to the heat by typing too fast. When it's 105 you try not to do anything other than breathe anyway.

My contribution to the blog will be an important one; not that what's already been added is not interesting or informative but this will be "different". I will be responsible for the Sacramento and Elk Grove restaurant review. You all know that we enjoy a good meal. I want to be sure that if you we go out to dinner when you visit us, we won't send you home with food poisoning...

It's simple-- Each eatery will be ranked on a 6 fork system. Watch this space and get your napkins ready.