On June 15, 2006 our house was officially "sold" and on Saturday, June 17th this sign appeared on our front lawn, replacing the "sale pending" sign that had hung there for more than a month.

Today is Sunday, June 18th - Father's Day. We spent most of the day 'at the races' at Bay Meadows, enjoying brunch and watching the horses and jockeys run around the track.
We've returned home to finishing the packing! What fun.... NOT! So far the girls have only quarrelled about six times in the last hour. Things are quiet for the moment as I take a short break to mentally plan the next packing project. Just hope it's all done by a civilized hour and we can get a decent night's rest before the moving company shows up at our door around 8am.
Two weeks from today we'll have been in our new house for a little more than 24 hours.... watch for news of the 'move in' blog around the 4th of July!

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