Moving In...... it's Grenfell, NOT Greenfell!

Sometimes your eyes play tricks on you and then at other times you start with bad info and don't even know it. When we first looked at the real estate listing for our new home on the Internet and decide that we would go with our agent to view this house, we thought we were going to see a house on "Greenfell" Ct based on the information on the MLS listing. So, as we continued along on our quest to find and select a home to buy we associated this house with "Greenfell" Ct.
And throughout the buying process and calling to schedule services (utilities, phones, etc.) several times I came across a misspelling of the street name as Grenfell. And each time I patiently corrected whomever and said that it's "Greenfell". Well, was I shocked to learn that I was the wrong one.... gasp!
So, everytime we had driven onto this court in the past two months or so (granted it was not that many times but enough to have seen the street name on the sign....) we did not notice there was only one "e", not two. Until two days ago! As we turned the corner onto the block I looked at the sign and noticed it - GRENFELL CT. Yikes! Are we in the wrong house? Of course not but we have been giving out the wrong street name..... fortunately if you search Mapquest or Google maps our correct location will appear, however, not necessarily on Yahoo Maps.
Wrong spelling of the street name aside, we're getting settled. A couple of delays we aren't thrilled with - downstairs floors and DirecTV a week later than expected - a tiny problem with the master toilet leaking after being reset improperly by the tile guys (who did a nice job otherwise) - but we're finally getting accustomed to the new place.
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