We are excited about the potential of this GREAT group of girls and their AWESOME families! This young team will be doing some damage in the weeks and months to come!
So far our dynamic duo of Roberts sisters have already made their marks. Kali has hit two HRs already this season, include a 3-run homer in our tournament in Reno this past weekend. Melia takes the mound every three games and has logged 4 wins so far. Two great showings this weekend included a 8-5 win in our first game on Sat and a 10-4 win in our first game on Sunday. Her performance even earned her a mention in her pitching coach's weekly highlights email:
Ron Engle has posted a new announcement on the Ron Engle "K" Club page.
"K" Club Announcement
Melia Roberts 12 years old of Elk Grove Thunder (14u) vs. Sac Dynasty (14u) on 5/16/2009 had 5 Strike Outs in (5) innings.
Our next tournament is at Manteca's Big League Dreams stadium off of Hwy 120 just east of Hwy 5. If you are going to be close enough to come by and see us play, email me for the game schedule (we get it about 3 days before the tourney).
Our June tournament schedule is:
June 6/7 (Stockton)
June 13/14 (TBD)
June 20/21 (Sacramento)
June 27/28 (Salinas - I hope there is A LOT of family support for the Roberts girls this weekend!)
Stay tuned for more highlights from our upcoming tournaments throughout the season!
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