Diary of a deranged, wanna-be jurist....
I was seated on a chair in the living room when Duane came in with the mail. I was engrossed in a new book I had received for Christmas the previous week and not too interested in anything going on around me. Duane sifted through the mail, presumably putting the bills in my pile as usual. As he rifled through the junk mail and bills, something caught his attention.
"Marge" he called to me. I looked up to see him waving a long, white envelope. Since I wasn't expecting money from anyone I had a momentary doomsday thought, "what kind of bill could this be?" To Duane I responded, "What is it?" He had a funny gleam in his eye and continued to wave the envelope. "I can't see what that is from here," I explained, "what is it?" Duane smirked at me and replied, "It's a jury summons!"
I think I may have shrieked with excitement but I don't truly remember for sure. I definitely jumped up, forgot about my book, snatched up the envelope and tore it open! I had been waiting for a jury summons for more than 10 years! The last time I received a summons was way back in the mid-90's in San Mateo County and I showed up only to be released by mid-morning with a half-hearted "thanks for your service". And I did nothing!
Yes, it's quite possible that I'm a little bit crazier than the average citizen. But I have a burning desire to serve on a jury! Why? Probably because I read and watch too many crime dramas. Or maybe I just need to see and feel the experience from the inside (the good side, not the bad side). Whatever the case, I've been wanting to get a jury summons for a long time! And on that late, lazy day in December, while we were all enjoying the holiday break, my jury summons arrived by way of the US Postal Service.
I marked the date on my wall calendar with a big happy face and set a reminder in my Blackberry calendar for the date I was required to call in for instructions prior to my scheduled service date. And then I waited for the weeks, days and hours to pass.
My summons required me to be prepared to serve the week of January 20th, a short week due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and Inauguration Day of our new President, Barack Obama. I hoped that my group would not be called on Inauguration Day and I was rewarded. In fact, upon checking in for my status the weekend prior to Jan 20th, I was instructed to call back after 5pm on Wednesday, January 21st. On Wednesday at exactly 5pm I called in and the message instructed my group and three others to report to the Sacramento Superior Court at 8:00AM on Thursday, January 22, 2009.
My excitement was beginning to build. I was just a few short hours away from my big moment! In fact, I was so excited I could barely go to sleep that night. Duane even was asleep before me.....for those of you who know me well, that is a rare occurance!
Thursday morning brought rain to the Sacramento area so the drive into downtown from Elk Grove was slowed by the wet highway and the mob of commuters heading into Sacramento and for parts beyond. I realized that I was glad my commute to work is in the opposite direction. While we were not driving the speed limit, or even close for much of the ride, we were moving steadily and I made reasonable time and arrived before the 8:00am check-in. Good thing too, because I had no idea I would have to make my way through an airport security-like screening process. I even had to take off the wrist brace I have wearing for the past two weeks. (That's another story for another blog.)
Once through the security checkpoint I put myself back together and made my way to the elevators. I was to check in on the second floor in Room 203. I exited the elevator on the second floor, found a directory posted on the wall and made my way to the juror holding tank. If you haven't been to the Sac Courthouse jury holding tank, it's configured a bit unusually, but I digress. I checked in, was given a questionnaire form, instructed to fill it out and hold on to it.
7:59AM: I find a seat and settle in to fill out my form. Send Duane a text msg to let him know I've arrived safe and sound.
8:10AM: I have finished my form and pull out my Blackberry to update my Facebook status for the first time today. My status reads: Margaret is eagerly awaiting jury selection.....hope I'm picked!!!!
8:28AM: The jury holding tank MC informs us that there is an emergency phone number to give out to loved ones, work, child care providers. I text this number to Duane. At this point we have been informed that jury pools will be announced when the court rooms inform the jury holding tank staff of their need for prospective jurors. Then the MC informs us that since they are waiting for court rooms he will give us our first break. We can go to the cafeteria on the 6th floor, go out and smoke, etc. but must be back in the holding tank area by 9:00AM. Off to the cafeteria I go since I forgot to grab my Balance bar on the way out this morning. (Must have been the excitement!)
9:00-ish: I came straight back from the cafeteria, probably before 9:00am and settled back into a comfortable seat. Figured I would get my laptop out and see how much work I could get done before I got called for a jury. Responded to several emails until the next announcement from the MC came around 9:30AM. Two jury pools were called. I was not one of the lucky ones. More work to get done.
10:25AM: Facebook status update: Margaret is still waiting.....not called on third panel....still hoping!!!!
11:00-ish: MC reports that they are awaiting calls from two courtrooms. They will keep us posted.
11:30AM: MC reports that they are still waiting but it is not officially the lunch break. We are to report back at 1:30PM. I call Duane and invite him to come downtown and join me for lunch.
11:47AM: Facebook status update: Margaret has been sent on a lunch break and hope the courts are 'ready' for jurors when we get back. I WANT to do my civic duty!
12:13PM: Duane has picked me up for lunch and we park across the street from the Sac Convention Center and have lunch at La Bou. Chat about my jury duty fascination, his web application, the softball team.... shortly after 1pm we head out.
1:20PM: Duane drops me off back at the courthouse and I report back for my civil duty. I settle back in, this time with the book I brought along for entertainment. I'm having a hard time focusing on the book however. Night at the Museum is playing on the TVs in the jury holding tank and it keeps drawing me in.
2:39PM: Facebook status update: Margaret is still waiting...what's going on in those courtrooms? Too much legal manuvering! Call in the jurors (me) for Pete's sake.
3:30-ish: MC reports that they are still waiting for a call from the courtrooms. The movie now playing is Cheaper by the Dozen. This one is even funnier than Night at the Museum and it's got my full attention. I'm even laughing out loud. Kali & Melia would be horrified and insisting I be quiet if they were here.
4:01PM: Facebook status update: Margaret is 99% sure I'll be passed over for jury assignment...don't they know what they are missing?
4:10PM: MC reports that they will not be calling any more jurors but must wait until the judge calls to say so before they can official release us. Several people in the room groan.
4:14PM: Facebook status update: Margaret is sad... will I have to wait another ten years for a jury summons?
4:18PM: Text msg to Duane: Waiting for my group to be checked out and then I'm on my way home.
I never saw the inside of a courtroom and I was fully prepared to serve! But I did learn a few things during my day in the jury holding tank. Fact #1: When a jury panel is called, the names are called in alphabetical order. (I don't know if those names are randomly selected or if they are called in order of group numbers.) Fact #2: The people who work in the courthouse are jovial people as evidenced by the conversations I heard going up and down the elevator to the cafeteria. It's nice to know that the environment is a pleasant place to work. Fact #3: The airport security type check point isn't nearly as difficult to pass through. They even let me keep my Starbucks! Fact #4: Though I'm certain they still think I'm a bit weird, my family, friends and co-workers were cheering for me all day via email exchanges and Facebook comments.
For now, all I can say is I sure hope I don't have to wait another ten years for my next summons!
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